Spurgeon’s Sermons
New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. II (1856)
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I often tell that the tentacles of Spurgeon are so far-and-wide reaching, that one could cover an endless history and education simply by following the breadcrumbs dropped along the way. The following will detail a fascinatingly arbitrary example.
Amos Ives (A.I.) Root, 1839-1923, was an Ohio businessman who became well-known during his day for developing beekeeping innovations,…
All these evils have taken place, and are happening in the limbs of Christ’s body, and God turns away His face from their prayers, by not hearing as to what they wish for, since they know not that the fulfilment of their wishes would not be good for them. The Church is poor, as she hungers and thirsts in her wanderings for that food with which she shall be filled in her own country: she is in toils from her youth up, as the very Body of Christ saith in another Psalm, Many a time have they overcome me from my youth, [Ps. cxxix. 1]. And for this reason some of her members are lifted up even in this world, that in them may be the greater lowliness.
A London map and virtual tour of prominent locations and/or related sites in the life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
David Brainerd’s diary includes a striking hyphenated word, “gospel-temper.” His journal records,
“Wednesday, Dec. 15. Enjoyed something of God to-day, both in secret and social prayer; but was sensible of much barrenness, and defect in duty, as well as my inability to help myself for the time to come, or to perform the work and business I have to do. Afterwards, felt much of the sweetness of religion, and the tenderness of the gospel-temper…”
Why do we need Saving?
In our natural, fallen state, we are unable to live righteously and obediently to God. Sin, being heinous and contradictory to God, is justly deserving of curse and wrath. We cannot redeem ourselves from this predicament.
God, in His supreme goodness, came to dwell among us and bear the Cross of condemnation for the sins of His people. Through Christ Jesus, justified by faith alone in His work of substitutionary atonement, we receive His righteousness and become heirs to the Kingdom of God.
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