Hodge, A.A. - Outlines of Theology (1886)

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Originially published in 1860, this Outlines of Theology volume by Archibald Alexander Hodge, the son of Princeton Seminary’s venerated Charles Hodge, is one of his best known works. This British edition by Thomas Nelson & Sons is of fine quality compared to much that was being produced in America during the period.

C.H. Spurgeon and company , in the 1865 volume of the Sword and Trowel said:

“WE can best show our appreciation of this able body of Divinity by mentioning that we have used it in our College with much satisfaction both to tutor and students. We intend to make it a Class Book, and urge all young men who are anxious to become good theologians, to master it thoroughly. Of course we do not endorse the Chapter on Baptism. To a few of the Doctor's opinions in other parts we might object, but as a handbook of Theology, in our judgment, it is like Goliah's sword—’there is none like it.’ It is almost entirely in the form of Questions and Answers. It was published by a Son, who had been associated with his Father in the Professorships of a Theological College in America, after the Author's decease.”

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Originially published in 1860, this Outlines of Theology volume by Archibald Alexander Hodge, the son of Princeton Seminary’s venerated Charles Hodge, is one of his best known works. This British edition by Thomas Nelson & Sons is of fine quality compared to much that was being produced in America during the period.

C.H. Spurgeon and company , in the 1865 volume of the Sword and Trowel said:

“WE can best show our appreciation of this able body of Divinity by mentioning that we have used it in our College with much satisfaction both to tutor and students. We intend to make it a Class Book, and urge all young men who are anxious to become good theologians, to master it thoroughly. Of course we do not endorse the Chapter on Baptism. To a few of the Doctor's opinions in other parts we might object, but as a handbook of Theology, in our judgment, it is like Goliah's sword—’there is none like it.’ It is almost entirely in the form of Questions and Answers. It was published by a Son, who had been associated with his Father in the Professorships of a Theological College in America, after the Author's decease.”

Originially published in 1860, this Outlines of Theology volume by Archibald Alexander Hodge, the son of Princeton Seminary’s venerated Charles Hodge, is one of his best known works. This British edition by Thomas Nelson & Sons is of fine quality compared to much that was being produced in America during the period.

C.H. Spurgeon and company , in the 1865 volume of the Sword and Trowel said:

“WE can best show our appreciation of this able body of Divinity by mentioning that we have used it in our College with much satisfaction both to tutor and students. We intend to make it a Class Book, and urge all young men who are anxious to become good theologians, to master it thoroughly. Of course we do not endorse the Chapter on Baptism. To a few of the Doctor's opinions in other parts we might object, but as a handbook of Theology, in our judgment, it is like Goliah's sword—’there is none like it.’ It is almost entirely in the form of Questions and Answers. It was published by a Son, who had been associated with his Father in the Professorships of a Theological College in America, after the Author's decease.”


Format: Hardback

Publisher: Thomas Nelson & Sons

Edition: 1886

Page Count: 538 pages

Approx. Dimensions: 8.25x5.5”


Book is in Good+for its age. Pages are clean, crisp, and smooth—especially for being almost 140 years old.

Bunyan, John — The Pilgrim's Progress (1887)
Shedd, W.G.T - A History of Christian Doctrine - 2 Vols. (1888)
Ryle, J.C. - Facts and Men - Second Edition (1882)
Ryle, J.C. - Knots Untied - Fourth Edition (1877)
Goodwin, John (Puritan) — Pleroma to Pneumatikon, or, A Being Filled with the Spirit (1867)