Standard Edition
Standalone Volume 1 copies are no longer currently available, but they can be accessed by purchasing the Sermon Set (all volumes currently in stock). If you have any specific questions pertaining to this, please send us an e-mail.
Limited Edition
Standalone Volume 1 copies are no longer currently available, but they can be accessed by purchasing the Sermon Set (all volumes currently in stock). If you have any specific questions pertaining to this, please send us an e-mail.
Dust Jackets
Standard Edition volumes come with complimentary jackets only when pre-ordered. Limited Edition volumes always include complimentary jackets.
Other Sermon Printings
Sermon Sets
The most widely read pastor in modern history.
63 volumes. 3,561 printed sermons.
The ‘official’ sermon volumes of Spurgeon—originally published by Passmore & Alabaster of London—are one of the most grand collections of sermons in the annals of the pulpit. Read by millions, translated into dozens of languages, and still referenced by ministers each and very week.
Never re-typeset in full since their original prints.
Uninterrupted from 1855 through 1917, these volumes contain a significant amount of the pulpit messages that Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached throughout his ministry at New Park Street Chapel and the Metropolitan Tabernacle—yet only portions, often edited and even altered, have been re-typeset in the greater than 100 years that have passed.
Refreshed publication has been long overdue.
Like the vast majority of important theological works, publishers have traditionally continued to bring to market new, fresh printings with some regularity—updating typesets and maintaining the text for continued widespread use. However, the full 63 volumes have long been such a cumbersome and daunting project that it has yet to be picked up . . . until now.
We are beginning to fully reprint these Spurgeon Pulpit Sermon volumes—comprised of 6 New Park Street Pulpit volumes & 57 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit volumes—beginning with Volume I (1855). Compared to the first editions, these volume have:
Larger, crisper font for an easier reading experience.
Corrected errors that are found in original editions.
Language & spelling is not edited or modernized.
Styling true to original volumes is retained throughout.
Additional relevant & interesting content + indexing, as feasible.
We will continue producing sequential volumes, Deo volente, with intentions to complete the full set over the next handful of years. As this massive project is a huge undertaking, we would love to garner your support for our labors to bring Spurgeon’s full collection of sermons back to market in a modern and desirable, yet still loyal, format!
For wholesale/bulk inquiries & retail interest, please contact us here.
For interest in supporting this large project financially: see here.