Our Story
Along about 2014, while working in the corporate world, regular discussions began with a co-worker that stoked the desire toward knowing biblical truths more intimately.
So many moments were spent diving into theology, most of which I came to realize were, sadly, not what I had grown up hearing—or being taught—in church.
Fast forward several years, a budding library and continued personal study was afoot. The great divines of the past, and present, grew into loving familiarity.
The depths of God’s word had been exposed. The truths preached from the Prophets through the Apostles were made manifest in such magnificence.
In God’s Providence, the levee had broken; the flood gates had opened. I already knew that the Lord Jesus died for me, but I came to know far better why and what for!
Who, when they know the fullness of God’s grace, can help but proclaim Him forevermore?
What is A Pilgrim’s Coffer?
People probably think of coffers as something akin to a personal money deposit box when they hear it these days; this isn’t too far from it’s origins. A coffer in earlier history was often a box or trunk of sorts that families used to lock and keep their valuables/family heirlooms in for safekeeping. When the ‘pilgrims’ and Puritans came to America, they, too, brought these locking coffers for storage—of which there still exist some early examples.
While this website doesn’t contain secrets or advice to make you wealthy with earthly riches, it does contain that which is invaluable for your soul. It exists to exalt and proclaim the glory and grace of our Creator through timeless and treasured theology that spans the ages. It is in aiming at this mark that we hope to reach and support others with the Christian truths found in Christ Jesus alone. May our content be a blessing and resource to those who stumble upon it!
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
[John 14:6]
May God bless you and guide you always,
Jared Payne
Jared, his wife of 7 years, Morgan, and young daughter, Rebecca, live in the heart of North Carolina. We attend a local reformed Baptist church, enjoy spending time together (usually drinking coffee), pilfering in the library, and appreciating God’s nature around us.
If you’re ever in the area, send us a message!