Behold the Throne
Allen S. Nelson IV
Before the Throne by Allen S. Nelson IV
R.C. Sproul, A.W. Tozer, and Stephen Charnock, now all with the Lord, are among faithful men who penned classic works on God’s holiness. Others throughout church history, like Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Jonathan Edwards, preached powerfully on the glory and majesty of our great and holy God. In Before the Throne: Reflections on God’s Holiness, Pastor Allen Nelson presents to us the timeless truths of the holiness of God from a 21st-century perspective in an attempt to warm modern readers’ hearts toward the awesomeness of the triune God. Standing on the shoulders of a long line of faithful men, and fastened securely upon Holy Writ, Nelson helps us explore the immensity of God’s holiness and how it affects absolutely everything about us. Prepare to worship.
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p5 - "But it's not enough to merely have the Bible in front of us. We need to actually believe it in order for it to benefit our lives. Otherwise, the Scriptures only serve to condemn us for our hard heartedness."
p7 - "To properly interpret this Word, we need the Holy Spirit to enable our understanding, but we also must put some effort into our study, employing the means He has given us:
Spending diligent time reading and studying the Bible
Serious meditation on what we read
Prayer for understanding His truths
Commitment to the local church"
p10 - "The holiness of God stretches infinitely beyond the puny effort many give to contemplating it--if they even meditate on God at all. May this not be true of us! The energy we expend in knowing Him more fully must be proportionate to His glorious excellencies."
Undoubtable Holiness
p16 - "Cut up the Bible? Perish the thought. We must recover a holistic view of God as He has revealed Himself in Scripture."
p17 - "We are made in His image and that is something we do not dare try to reverse in our minds. We don't want to assume that we can make Him in our image."
p18 - "It is impossible for us to see, enjoy, and comprehend this world rightly without a right view of who God is."
p19 - "Unfortunately, too many of these practices are a direct result of people actually worshiping themselves and not the God of the Bible."
p20 - "We take our version of "love" and attempt to conform God to it. This leads to forming God in our image which at best results in an unhealthy view of the true God and at worst culminates in downright idolatry of a false god who only exists in the figment of our imaginations."
p21 - "God is holy. Theology matters."
p21 - "The chief aim of our salvation in Christ is about the glory of God in purifying for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good works (Titus 2:14)."
p22 - "To doubt Scripture is to doubt the holiness of God Himself."
p22 - "We must never place tradition, experience, or culture on the same level as God's self-revelation in Scripture."
Unspeakable Holiness
p25 - "If creaturely scenarios can leave us speechless, how much more must we expect from the Eternal One?"
p26 - "It's actually quite surprising, and disheartening, that many professing Christians seem to care so little about truly knowing the greatness and glory of the God of the Bible. Don't let that be true of you."
p29 - "God's holy name is ineffable -- its importance is too wonderful to be sufficiently articulated by the human tongue."
p33 - "God's holiness is inexhaustible as well. However, it's not unspeakable simply because we run out of words, but because we don't have sufficiently adequate words to exhaustively describe or comprehend it."
p34 - "Claiming this subject too lofty for us to engage with is wrong for a very important reason: Scripture."
p34 - "However, because the Bible is sufficient, we can know what God intended us to know about His holiness."
p35 - "As we search the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts and minds to grow in our understanding of who God really is. This will never lead us to consider God as "measurable."
p37 - "...He chose to reveal Himself to us in a knowable way because He is a God to be known. And because of this, we are fully responsible for knowing what God has revealed to us."
p38 - "We've trained our pallets to enjoy the dog food of this world while never feasting on the porterhouse of God's holiness."
p39 - "There is nothing outside of Scripture that we need to know about God in this life."
p39 - "What excuses do we have for not plumbing the depths of Holy Writ every day as we seek to better know the God of unspeakable holiness?"
p40 - "The Trinity is not a contradiction but a mystery. However, it is a revealed mystery."
p42 - "The gospel does not call us to put God under a microscope. Instead, understanding the gospel means placing ourselves under that microscope until we begin to see the depths of our own sinfulness."
p42 - "If you already are a Christian, then it is your privilege, by grace, to boast in knowing Yahweh."
p43 - "Seek Him and you will find. Behold the One you were created to adore."
Untamable Holiness
p46 - "Earthly magistrates may come and go, and even be overthrown, but the King of all the universe reigns on high forever and ever."
p47 - "Adonai is the One with supreme authority. He is the Sovereign One. He will not be overthrown."
p49 - "[God] is untamable. He will not be controlled. He reigns in majesty."
p50 - "The Lord consistently reminds us that He alone is the Supreme Ruler of the universe and He is the God that fights battles for His own eternal glory (Exodus 14:14-18)."
p51 - "The devil is a needy, dependent creature restrained by God's leash. Satan himself has no power unless the Lord of hosts grants it."
p52 - "Jesus has the full and final victory even if at times during this life we don't see that in its entirety."
p52 - "Jesus will take no prisoners. His judgment will be swift and righteous. His plans and purposes will prevail for the glory of His Holy name."
p52 - "The deity they serve is domesticated. He is a god with whom they can negotiate. One who has agreed to allow less than complete surrender and still promises them heaven. This is not the God of the Bible."
p53 - "God will meet with us on His terms and His timetable, not ours. He plays by His own holy rules."
p53 - "God has every right to manifest His holy presence to us in such a way that we are obliterated from earth and eternity. God has every right to overwhelm us with His holy presence in such a way that brings true and lasting revival to our church."
p55 - "We dare not serve the God of untamable holiness in complacency."
p55 - "You were not made to tame God's holiness but to prize it. To treasure it. To glory in it. To be in awe of Him for who He is."
p56 - "This is why those who counterfeit the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not merely harmful to the church, but downright blasphemous. No person of the Trinity will be controlled. God is untamable."
p56 - "We ought to pray for more of God, seek more of God, and plead with God for more of God Himself in our own lives and those around us."
p57 - " In those situations, actually in every nanosecond of the history of humanity, God is not just doing one thing. He is doing immeasurably more than we see or realize--all for His own glory."
p58 - "May we care more bout the fulfillment of His will for our lives than our own--whatever the cost."
p59 - "May our passion not be for safe encounters, but adoring exaltations and complete surrender as we daily seek the Lord."
p59 - "God's untamable holiness is not meant to scare us into thinking God is unappeasable. The point is, we can't placate Him on our terms. There is Another who must do this on our behalf."
p60 - "...there is an element of 'woe' that should develop within people when they consider the holiness of God. But, because of the gospel, we should not be left in such a state. The gospel changes 'woe' is me" to 'worthy are You' because the penalty for transgressing God's Holy Law has been atoned for in Christ."
p60 - "...our goal should not be to run away from God, but to run to Him. And this running must be on His terms as presented to us in the gospel."
p61 - "In Christ, the holy wrath of God has been propitiated."
p61 - "In Christ, it is no longer our desire to control this God, but to worship Him in full surrender."
Unblemishable Holiness
p66 - "But, anything contrary to God's Law cannot be beautiful or good. It's never loving to affirm something God hates. All that God demands is holy."
p66 - "Affirming sin may welcome people into a building and an earthly fellowship, but it pushes them away from a holy God and directly toward the pit of hell."
p67 - "God's sovereignty is such that He is able to determine all actions after the counsel of His own will while simultaneously being free from all sin (Ephesians 1:11)."
p68 - "Instead, Scripture teaches us that God predetermines all things, even the actions of men (Proverbs 16:9), while at the same time being completely and utterly free from the least tinge of sin Himself (and that men have real moral agency)."
p68 - "God is sovereign, and man is responsible."
p68 - "In the midst of His anguish, the Son shows us that God is able to sovereignly decree the most horrendous act in human history, the murder of the God-Man, and still be unquestionably holy."
p69 - "There is no moral blemish in God, only perfect, pure, and perpetual righteousness. This is vitally important when we discuss the gospel with people. The righteousness needed to enter heaven is not merely an 'above average' righteousness."
p70 - "This is no trifling matter. It is outright rebellion. To sin is to say, 'God is not holy.' Instead, we want what we want more than what God wants. It slanders His unblemishable character."
p74 - "The earth is flooded with the glory of God. It spills over the sides and bursts out the seams. The universe is on giant arrow pointing us to an infinitely beautiful God."
p75 - "God is gloriously good to us in not giving us a black and white world. The earth teems with beautiful colors and sounds and tastes and smells...All of these beautiful things point like a giant arrow to the glory of the objectively beautiful God."
p77 - "How foolish to trade the beauty of God for the ugliness of sin."
p77 - "Our deepest longings will never be fully satisfied by one more drink of wine. By one more degree. By one more date. By one more child. By one more dollar. By one more hour in the day. We were made for something -- Someone -- infinitely more beautiful."
p79 - "The God we serve is completely pure and separate from sin, therefore He expects His people to follow Him in that way. To worship God is to desire to be ever conformed to the image of Jesus. To worship God is to follow Jesus."
p79 - "Let every evil thought and every skeptical motivation burn away in the fire of Christ's holiness. Seek to be free from it all."
p81 - "Let your soul feast upon the unceasing riches of God's holy beauty radiating from the very pages of Holy Writ."
Unmatchable Holiness
p87 - "God's holiness is altogether different! There is simply no comparison between God and any of the heavenly hosts! There is no comparison between God and anything."
p89 - "Let us be intentional in our song selections--in singing hymns that glorify Him instead of focusing on our own experience. We must gear all facets of our singing--words, style, arrangement and content--toward magnifying the unmatachable holiness of God. Holy, holy, holy."
p90 - "I sometimes wonder what we worship on Sunday mornings. Is it our musical ability and talent? Is it the atmosphere of fog, lights, and positive, encouraging music? Is it Auto-Tune? Is it a longing to be back in the 1950s? Is it our idea of God? Or, when we gather, is our focus on the One of unmatachable holiness?"
p90 - "Let the people come hungry, and leave holy. Let them leave talking about how great the Lord is more than wishing they could have your autograph."
p91 - "I plead with you: Let us show people God's unmatchable holiness."
p91 - "Don't be complicit in anything that takes people's attention away from the Holy One."
p92 - "Let us be mindful that the God of unmatchable holiness is to be worshiped on His terms, not ours."
p92 - "Show me the Holy, and He will suffice. Show me His worthiness in His Word. Show me how His holiness permeates the universe and is glorious enough to exact unceasing praise from all creation."
p93 - "Practical steps for Christian living have their place, but never let application overshadow exultation. Preach the Holy One. We were made by God for God and God is the One we need to see in your preaching."
p96 - "God's holiness is unmatchable. Don't trade it for lesser things. Don't blend it with lesser things--thus adulterating it. We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
p97 - "It's not that people don't know how to worship. It's that we are too often worshiping something or someone lesser than our God of unmatchable holiness."
p97 - "The good gifts of God are not made to be worshiped but are arrows pointing us to the only One who is worthy of our worship."
Uncontainable Holiness
p119 - "God does not contain His holiness since it is His desire to glorify Himself. His holiness is who He is--ineffably beautiful, set apart, and glorious."
p120 - "The problem with seeing God's glory is not with God, but with mankind's blinded eyes. Perhaps it's not so much that fallen man is unable to see the glory of God as much as he is unwilling to see it. Fallen man is unable to see the glory of God because he is unwilling to see it."
p121 - "In a way, God's glory is His weightiness. Heavy things are often valuable things."
p123 - "True, one day He will destroy all who have besmirched His glory in an eternal Hell. Yet, in His grace He opens the cold hearts of some that they may see the awesomeness of who He is and what He has done for us in Christ."
p125 - "It doesn't really matter if it's day or night, clear or overcast. Go look up. Be reminded of your smallness. We need to see the heavens proclaiming to us the glory of God. It's a sermon we all need to hear a little more often. God delights to show you His glory. He is the God of uncontainable holiness."
p125 - "The Father elects a people, the Son dies on the cross for their sins, and the Holy Spirit regenerates them and reveals to them Christ's glory--all to save sinners to the praise of God's glory (Ephesians 1:6)."
p127 - "Of course, the culmination of the magnification of God's glory is the cross. The ultimate point of the gospel is the glory of God. The ultimate point of salvation is the glory of God. The ultimate point of everything is the glory of God!"
p128 - "Let the holiness of God that cannot be contained spill over in our lives as we share Jesus with those around us. And we can be assured, since it is God's will to glorify the Son, that whenever our lives glorify Jesus, we are always doing the will of God."
Unchangeable Holiness
p133 - "...the importance of the immutability of God cannot be overstated. If God were a changeable God we could have no assuring hope in the gospel."
p134 - "So many denominations, and even individual professing Christians and so-called 'celebrity' pastors, are ready to adapt Christianity to fit in the current age. When we adapt Christianity we lose Christianity."
p135 - "We live in an age of absurdity. Yet, Christians have the truth. We must spend less time trying to adapt the truth to be palatable to the absurdity of the age and instead proclaim it to the masses."
p137 - "The big issue here is that we are shocked by God's justice. We are so used to God's common grace that when we see His justice, it rubs us the wrong way."
p139 - "God's unchanging holiness means that He is able to simultaneously abhor sinners in their wickedness and yet love them by sending Christ (John 3:16). God didn't wait around for us to be loveable before taking on human flesh in the person of Christ (Romans 5:8)."
p139 - "Believers were once objects of God's wrath (Ephesians 2:3). By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone we have been reconciled to God and counter righteous in Christ (Romans 3:22-26)."
p141 - "This means that hose who pretend to be Christians, those who look for eternal life in some other god, and those who flat out reject the very existence of God should be terribly afraid. Because of God's immutable holiness, He cannot and will not compromise with sin or sinners. He is patient, but there will be an end to that divine patience."
p143 - "Refuge from the holy wrath of God is available in Christ alone. Christianity is not 'radically inclusive.' It is categorically exclusive. It's only for those who deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus. There is only one way and that door is Christ alone."
Unapproachable Holiness
p149 - "Casual Christianity is as oxymoronic as nominal Christianity. There is no such thing. God is holy, holy, holy. You don't walk with Yahweh as though you could take Him or leave Him."
p149 - "The shining brightness of the Lord God Almighty will reveal every sin, expose every evil thought, and uncover every wicked deed on that great Day of Judgment. How can we be cavalier about a God so magnificently holy?"
p150 - "One day, all people will confess the Lordship of the God-Man Jesus Christ. The difference for the Christian is that we confess this now and seek to live our lives accordingly. So, one way to describe Christians is as those who fear Christ and tremble at His Word (Isaiah 66:2)."
p152 - "A life lived in fear and trembling is concerned first and foremost about the glory of our triune God, We base out entire relationship with Him on the completed work of Christ, knowing that God is so holy that only the atoning work of Jesus allows us into His presence. Because of Jesus, we can draw near the throne of grace confidently, but may we never do so flippantly."
p153 - "We are not to fashion Him in our likeness, but to search the Scriptures and ever seek to have them alone form our concept of God."
p154 - "In response to Christ's work, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you will seek to live a life in fear and trembling as God works in and through you to bring glory to Himself and spread His fame to the nations. It's not about us. It's always and forever about Him."
p156 - "The God of unapproachable holiness made a way to be approached. When it comes to the holy gaze of God, there is no rock to hide under, but there is a Rock to hide in."
p157 - "Grace never lowers our view of God, but always heightens it. Thus, true grace compels us to interact with God as though He is who He really is: the God of unapproachable holiness."
p157 - "God is light (1 John 1:5). This means that God cannot have any fellowship with darkness and that any exposure to the holiness of God will always result in the uncovering of sin in our lives."
p158 - "Without His light, we would not recognize our filth and would never desire to be cleansed in Christ. Grace doesn't minimize our sin. It exposes it for what it really is and then covers it with the blood of Jesus."
p158 - "You were not made for casual Christianity. Anything that prevents you from growing in your knowledge of God is not worth it. Let it go. Walk in the light of God of unapproachable holiness."
Uncompromising Holiness
p166 - "We can always see people doing things we wouldn't do and feel somewhat virtuous. But when we compare ourselves with a holy God, how do we measure up to that?"
p167 - "Do you want to get an idea of the heinousness of sin? Stop comparing yourself with other people. Instead, cast your eyes upon God's uncompromising holiness."
p170 - "Jesus died the death of lawbreakers so that, in our salvation God could display the glory of His mercy and the splendor of His justice. And it was all done with exalting and maintaining His uncompromising holiness."
p170 - "When we are confronted with the holiness of God, the proper response is not to foolishly try to hide under a mountain (Revelation 6:16). The proper response is not to push aside feelings of guilt. We must realize that we feel guilty because we are guilty. The proper response to the holiness of God is to repent, look to the Son, and live."
p170 - "On the cross, holy justice met holy mercy; holy righteousness met holy grace."
p171 - "When we compromise God's holiness we can never truly love a lost and dying world. We are never more damaging to an individual or society than when we accept what the Lord says He hates. Our job as Christians is not to coddle the lost, but to preach the uncompromising holiness of God."
p171 - "...only those who begin with 'woe is me' will end up with 'worthy are You.'"
p172 - "...grace identifies sin as sin so that it can do something about it. Do not capitulate on calling sin sin."
p172 - "When we preach a gospel devoid of the holiness of God, we lose the gospel altogether...When we compromise the holiness of God we rip out the need for any penal substitutionary work of Christ."
p173 - "Mistakes only require you do better next time. Weaknesses only require you to be stronger the next time. Messes only require you to clean it up next time. But sins require forgiveness. And there is nothing you or I can do to earn that forgiveness. Oh, but Christ has earned it for His people!"
p175 - "O Christian! A God who is superbly holy calls you His own, loves you, and sings over you (Zephaniah 3:17). This is not because of some intrinsic goodness you posses, but because of Christ's work for you. And now, by grace, you are to live a holy life for His glory."
Unborable Holiness
p178 - "Your idea about God might be boring. The way you present God might be boring. But God, understood rightly, can never be boring."
p181 - "We've created an atmosphere of entertainment in the church today because we have found God boring. But, it's not God who is boring. It's us."
p182 - "We are bored. And we are not bored because God is boring. We are bored because we've either suppressed the truth of the knowledge of God's holy splendor, or we've never truly encountered it."
p183 - "Too many churches have become just another business model. CEOs have replaced pastors. Consumers have replaced congregants. Amusement has replaced holiness."
p184 - "At best, we have misguided zeal when we seek to replace or detract from the holiness of God in order to win people to Christianity."
p185 - "The need of every human being is to be reconciled to their holy and good Creator whom they have sinned against, turned away from, and despised."
p187 - "...every human heart was made to be eternally captivated by the glory of God."
Unquenchable Holiness
p194 - "The Lord is not an angry tyrant demanding dutiful tribute. He is happily holy and in all of eternity His holy joy cannot be quenched."
p196 - "[God] never undergoes the least bit of change. He is immutable. And one thing this means is that for all time God is eternally happy in Himself. This is part of the glory of His holiness."
p197 - "He is not laughing at your trials, but even in them there is joy within Himself, and what He is bringing about in your life is far beyond what you could even imagine. There is no such thing as meaningless suffering."
p199 - "...God is for believers in Christ and that it is His delight to ever conform us more into the holy image of His Son. So, even when we sin, we do not quench God's holy joy. He is the God of unquenchable holiness."
p201 - "It's not always easy because our flesh constantly tells us how important we are (see James 4:1-2). But if we will see the glory of an unquenchably holy God and put ourselves in our proper place, and work 'as unto the Lord,' our every effort can be filled with joy--no matter how mundane the task."
p202 - "...continue to walk in the joy of the Lord. To love God and trust Christ's work on your behalf, is to want to be like Him. 'True faith always produces real conformity to Christ.'"
p204 - "God's commitment to His people is not contingent on their loyalty, but His. And since He is committed to His own glory His people can always be assured of His steadfast love because He will never waiver from His delight in His own holiness. He is forever committed to His people's joy in Himself."
p205 - "Happiness in God always results in a pursuit of personal holiness. If we take God's holiness seriously, we will take ours seriously, too."
Isaiah 6:1-7
John's Vision
Revelation 4:5-11
Chapter 1: Undoubtable Holiness
Revelation 4:11
What would the King do?
What do we know of Holy?
Undoubtedly Holy
1. If we get God wrong, we get everything wrong
2. God's holiness is misunderstood, misapplied, and underemphasized
3. We are commanded to be holy as God is holy
Chapter 2: Unspeakable Holiness
Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8
Whats in a name
Language has its limits
Where do we begin?
1. You can't begin on earth
2. We can't begin on earth but we must
The God who speaks
In awe of God
The Holy Trinity
Meeting God
Chapter 3: Untamable Holiness
Isaiah 6:1, Revelation 4:5
Unpacking Isaiah's vision
Lord Sabaoth His name
The futility of familiarity
The God you cannot control
Unsafe holiness
Draw near through Christ
Chapter 4: Unblemishable Holiness
Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8
Holy in all His works
Holy mystery
The Holy dilemma
Aesthetically Unblemished
Arrows aiming at beauty
Settling for far less
Delight yourself in the Lord
Chapter 5: Unmatchable Holiness
Isaiah 6:1-2
No comparisons
Worship the Holy One
Preach the Holy One
Worthless Idols
Chapter 6: Unquestionable Holiness
Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8
Emphatically holy
Holy sovereignty
Trust God's Holy Word
Unquestioning submission
God will not clear the guilty
Holy war
Chapter 7: Uncontainable Holiness
Isaiah 6:3
Holiness and God's glory
The Weight of Glory
Captivated by glory
Search the Scriptures
The Son's glory
Chapter 8: Unchangeable Holiness
Revelation 4:8
Unchanging God
Unchanging truth
Unchanging holiness
Amazing justice
The Son hates sin
Chapter 9: Unapproachable Holiness
Isaiah 6:4
Casual Christianity
True revival
A life of fear and trembling
Finding our place
God is light
Chapter 10: Uncompromising Holiness
Isaiah 6:5
The Holy standard
Isaiah the "good" guy
Woe is me
Right comparisons
The necessity of Christ's cross
Hold the line
Chapter 11: Unborable Holiness
Isaiah 6:5, Revelation 4:11
No room for meh
An attractive church
The inexhaustible God
Customizable worship
The Gospel of a Holy God
Preach the Bible
Chapter 12: Unquenchable Holiness
Revelation 4:10
Casting down crowns
The Glory of the happy God
Happy in all His works
Living in the joy of the Lord
The steadfast love of God
Be exalted, O God